Tuesday, August 23, 2011
RLM Sports had an opportunity to speak with Jeff Manwaring, the Athletic Director for the Elmira School District. Elmira, like Corning did last year, is combining their scholastic sports program of Elmira Free Academy and Southside High Schools. We were able to catch AD Manwaring for a brief interview recently to discuss the formation of one team where, up to this year, were two teams. We spoke specifically about the new Elmira Express football Team.

Interviews with Elmira Expresses Head Football coach can be found in our Broadcasting Schedule section of this website in the Elmira Games articles.

The first Elmira Express combined sports team will be playing the Horseheads Blue Raiders on Friday, September 2, 2011 at 4 p,m, at Horseheads stadium.


Andy Parker said...

Really enjoyed this interview!! I think the Elmira schools are going to thrive with their combined atheletics programs